Cabinet approves public sector pay freeze in 2023
Courtesy of ICRT
The cabinet on Wednesday approved a pay freeze for government employees, public school teachers and military personnel for 2023.
The Directorate-General of Personnel Administration says the decision was based on a recommendation submitted earlier this month by the cabinet's public sector pay review committee.
Officials say in making the recommendation, the committee took into consideration factors such as government finances, inflation, per capita income, GDP growth, and the 4% pay raise given to public sector employees this year.
Meanwhile, a Ministry of Labor committee, comprising labour, business, government and academia representatives, is set to meet tomorrow to discuss whether Taiwan's minimum wage should be raised in 2023.
Last year, the MOL committee recommended a 5.21% increase of the monthly minimum wage, from NT$24,000 to NT$25,250, which was implemented by the government this year.