MOEA unveils energy saving plan
The Ministry of Economic Affairs has unveiled a draft energy conservation plan which aims to reduce electricity use in Taiwan by 35.13-billion kilowatt-hours by 2030.
The draft plan comprises a slew of energy-saving strategies and measures covering industry, commerce, housing, transportation tools, and technology research and development.Under the electricity saving target, industrial users are expected to be responsible for nearly 50% of the reduction, while commercial and residential electricity saving will account for the remainder.
The ministry says a major focus in terms of industrial energy conservation is on the efficient management of electric motors and the promotion of energy efficiency of industrial air conditioning and air compressor systems.
The government plans to provide incentives to encourage the use of high-energy efficiency products and equipment and evaluate the continuation of offering tax credits for purchases of energy-saving home appliances.
The energy conservation plan is part of the government's roadmap for Taiwan's path to net-zero emissions by 2050.