The 2021 ECCT EU-Taiwan Healthcare Forum brought together experts from Europe and Taiwan to discuss solutions for today's most urgent healthcare challenges.
The Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital generated the highest overall profit among healthcare facilities last year.
With the worst outbreak of a communicable disease for a century creating headlines around the world, the efforts of Taiwan's agency tasked with preventing non-communicable diseases has continued its work largely out of the limelight. By Mark Caltonhill
Clarins Taiwan prepared more than 1,100 caring sets for Taiwan's heroic healthcare professionals, showing our gratitude and also demonstrating positive energy during the unprecedented time.
A realistic understanding of the Taiwanese healthcare system's positives and negatives remains essential for international patients By Douglas Habecker
Taiwan's healthcare system is admired the world over but faces big challenges as it moves into the "digital health" era. Market research is facilitating this development and is also changing in line with the environment in which it works By Mike Jewell